My aim is to provide bespoke, high quality, visually appealing surfboards for all abilities, with a focus on alternative and classic shapes, with modern construction meaning an extremely durable product.

All surfboards are built in-house, in the UK, shaped, laminated and finished by hand to ensure accuracy and quality.

I strictly laminate using plant-based Bio-Science Epoxy Resins, endorsed by It produces an exceptionally strong and durable board and limits the carbon footprint. Additionally, I build all my own blanks using high density EPS and reject timber from a local sawmill which isn’t quite good enough for cladding but perfect for stringers. This enables me to return foam offcuts for recycling and provide a fantastic range of customisation with stringer size and aesthetics.

Any excess fibreglass and resin from production is upcycled into surfboard fins and plant pots. If any of these are available they can be found in the ‘Stock’ section of my website alongside stock surfboards.